
Golden rays tinkle my face, as I take my usual walk,

Around the fragrant garden, in the morning hours.

The bees ,butterflies and birds hover gayly over,

Flamboyant flowers, rapidly as Olympic sprinters.

In a deadly silent corner of the noisy, moistly loan,

Dozes off a messy posy of light purple spiky flowers.

Dripple-drippy and pitter-patter drizzling falls rain,

Filled not with water, but with arrogant, cruel pats. 

The innocent purple fairies close their eyes hastily,

Shrinks their frocks as frightened turtles and snails.

Only a split of a second, they breathe in the fresh,

Airs ,and the rest, wail inside, no open blossoms. 

I wonder why the faintly purple fairies so timidly,

Lower their heads to all the big troublesome souls.

I wonder why the faintly purple fairies so unusually,

Got the slightly lengthy, name of “Forget-me-nots”.

I realized slowly that, the tiny purples are urging,

The garden populace to care for them, sans forgets.

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